Saturday, July 29, 2006

Bondage Fairies avoid Pink Eye

"Stockholm sucked one day in '06 (and then turned out not to)":

[postulating a day in the life of the Bondage Fairies]

Staying home from school at their parents discretion, two young lads were sent to the basement to avoid Pink Eye while their parents drank tea and shared stories of hypochondria. After 39 Nintendo sessions of Mario/Luigi/POW, the boys decided to record a song that ferociously explored their grasp of power chord progressions discovered during their new affection for 'musical instruments'.

The result was an overly astute jaunt in basement-nu-wave, spearheaded by a rambunctious approach to their Nintendo. The kids proceeded to make killer insect masks out of their headgears and rename themselves "Elvis Creep" and "Deus Deceptor", vowing never to call long division their favourite hobby again.

Yes, my story was only a hypothetical vision! But the Bondage Fairies song Pink-Eye Paranoia really exists, and you can hear it here:

Bondage Fairies My Space

***Notice the spaceship bullet samples lacing the track like hair lice, and try to visualize the Nintendo cartridges filing in and out of the game system before it hurdles through another 'reset'. Now, that's music.

Bondage Fairies Website
(Buy: Things You Didn't Know When You Hired Me at Amazon)


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