Friday, July 27, 2007

Azeda Booth; remembering suburbia

They live where cars die:

In a land of mirrored houses and empty roads; sitting by a pond at the end of the train line listening to ( ) can reprieve isolation. This is The Lonesome Crowded West, though there it is said with more shrewd callings and less sensationalism.

I lived in Calgary for eight years, and it started with snow. Like perpetual dusk, it is a season that takes the city and what it possesses and builds it to become something torpid and molecular. Beneath packed snow and the c-train tracks that run like arteries to her residential buroughs, the city often buzzes only notches above hibernation. Through blue light and the fear of becoming completely latent, it fights, for six months or more, through wasted space and desolate fairgrounds.

During my time as an inhabitant, Calgary housed a stuffy scene. It was tightly woven as it punched like a relentless business agenda, locking itself from innovation with its linear punk ideals. But a week ago, I trekked to my local tavern in my two-year home of Victoria to find something that shattered this stigma.

The group accountable was Calgary's Azeda Booth, and they altered the air of the room like a cell phone signal sparked by a gas tank. It was as though they had resurrected the dirt [the gravel, the salt] I had shuffled my feet over again and again. Reassembling that which had left me jaded, I was convinced: they've survived nuclear winter; they've seen it, they know.

Though their EP, Mysterious Body, is composed of tracks that date back to when the band was only Jordon and Morgan; these recorded songs have grown live into their current six member incarnation.

Jordon's erratic falsetto held the nucleus, embellished by a web of members rotating instruments as they fused bewildering and elastic heroics. It was not post-anything, with the hearse heading to one climactic destination; but a collective of people in a snowstorm, drift struck and sincere.

There is something to them that is sordid, and so pungently serious; yet they build a force that is empowering and as strong as their unanimous trust. So much so, they may structure an isle of bells and drumsticks in the audience as an offering, and may I suggest to take up the oppurtunity.

Fusing nostalgia for a place I abandoned from exhaustion, maybe too easily; they reamained and caught fire. Oh, Azeda - you made it. Now we wait in a poised penchant for you to record.

Azeda Booth - Dead Girls

In summer 2008, may they reach the island.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Miracle Fortress and the Alberta wild rose

Cottan candy and benevolent whimsy in a pretty parcel of pink:

I digress: Grande Prairie, visiting my last living grandparent hours away from the town where my father grew up. This city is the prime exemplification of Alberta's boom (and eventual bust): suburbia is gaining like an epidemic, and every waitress at dinner walked in and got the serving job most people spend a year handing out menus in a pretty dress to obtain. Despite the canola fields and bolstering blue skies, I'm left thinking:

"Oh, gluttonous, material Alberta. You're the Canada that makes me want to celebrate July 1st parading inebriated around the streets among red leafs and white caps."

But on that day I was still on the Island in a dark mini theater, simplifying myself to a plethora of fuschia illusions over the music of Miracle Fortress. The notebook reports:

Purple-pink resonation in feet and tentacles (the sea).
Oh, how you dispose of opulent beauty and replace it with fists of bloom.
Oh, you frigid, flowering mass;
Sugar-coated synthesis, pay your pension to the pedal.

Yes, I have degenerated myself to an array of blissful summer effigies through the sonic semblance of Miracle Fortress. Generated by the mastermind Graham Van Pelt (also of the Toronto band Think About Life) it appears his debut solo album Five Roses wraps the nostalgia of being a kid, swimming in lollipop sugar and flying; all at the same time.

Miracle Fortress - Maybe Lately
Miracle Fortress - Hold Your Secrets to Your Heart

If anyone can disclose the very acute allusion in Maybe Lately to a very distinct Beach Boys melody line, you're one step further up the ladder than me on your Wilsonism's.


I leave my Oma's tomorrow afternoon and return to the Island, and I have yet to be graced by a prairie thunder shower. One more sleep on the deck in hope.
