'T' is representative for both 'Tara', and 'tourist'.
'B' is representative of both 'boy' and 'bacca' (child), one of my ten learned Hindi nouns.
B: Misses, you want picture?
T: No, no picture.
B: One picture? Yes?
T: No, no picture.
[he sits]
B: Why?
T: No picture.
B: Why?
B: Because I don't want a picture.
[long pause]
B: You have rupee?
T: No, no rupees.
B: Yes, rupees. 10 rupees.
T: No, no rupees.
B: Yes.
T: No.
B: Yes.
T: Apka naam kya hai? [What is your name?]
B: Meera naam ____ hai. Apka naam kya hai? [My name is ____. What is your name?]
I don't remember his name, nor was I armed with any other phrases to reciprocate his eagerness to indulge in Hindi yabber. I (almost) surpassed my inherent position as a tourist slot machine. Almost. Unwilling to perpetuate the bang-for-a-buck foreigner/local child relationship, I'm left eschewing the problem, snagging pictures with my meek (3.0x) zoom as I hide behind trees. Yes, in this respect, I'm very much the stereotypical tourist they've observed repeatedly and used to mold a ludicrously simple and affluent income oppurtunity.

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