The sun generally doesn't appear the colour of rubies, (evidently a greedy infatuation of musicians as of late), but rather a blazing yellow colour. The 'ruby-ness' comes out in the most supreme of circumstances, i.e (just one):
a) Building a sand castle in the late afternoon after a morning of ill-planning, plagued by extreme 'high-tide' risk.
The Ruby Suns themselves claim they sound like 'trees', but in New Zealand that's an understandable comparison.
Perhaps while I am sitting on my patio starring at the baseball field across the street, Birthday on Mars will help me find solace, instead of being plagued by the unintentional memorization of all citywide little league players; their names, numbers, and positions.
Ryan McPhun and the Ruby Suns - Birthday on Mars [MySpace]
And you can read all about 'em Auckland-ites (American passports) at Lil' Chief Records.
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